Thursday, November 01, 2007

Deadly Milk Dud

That while gobbling the remains of your Halloween candy, you'll toss a Milk Dud into your gullet too fast and block your airway. Then, when you collapse and die, you'll pull the bedpan in which you store the candy down on top of you causing a big gash in your head.

THEN, when somebody finds you they'll open an investigation into your murder because they don't understand how the gash and the crash and the death came about.

Ultimately, your estate will remain unsettled for centuries as the authorities investigate the crime.


AnnaB said...

How about combining that fear with one of mine? Your body is only discovered due to a mysterious odor thanks to a freak streak of unseasonably warm weather.

Betty Underground said...

Your blog could possibly make me neurotic - for today, I vow to never eat a Milk Dud again. Sad because it is truly my most favorite candy.

Clownface said...

I never eat Milk Duds for the same reason. Even their caramelly deliciousness is not worth my death.